Source: Forbes Mx
The mandatory use of masks has come to an end in Mexico’s airports, it is no longer a requirement to wear them, according to the Federal Civil Aviation Agency. Previously, it was only allowed to be removed when food and beverages were ingested.
Actualización sobre el uso del cubrebocas en instalaciones aeroportuarias y en las cabinas de pasajeros de aeronaves.
— AFAC (@AFAC_mx) October 12, 2022
The Federal Civil Aviation Agency (Agencia Federal de Aviación Civil or AFAC) notified airlines last night that the use of mouth covers on flights will be an optional measure for both passengers and crew members.
Several airlines have notified on social networks that Mexico’s aviation authority is informed of the new regulations. Within these modalities, the use of the mask will be optional on flights for passengers and cabin crew.
Actualización sobre el uso del cubrebocas a bordo.
La autoridad de aviación civil en México (AFAC) acaba de notificar a todas las aerolíneas que el uso de cubrebocas se torna de carácter opcional en vuelos, esto aplica tanto para personal como pasajeros.
— Volaris (@viajaVolaris) October 12, 2022
The tweet reads: “Update regarding the use of face masks on board. The Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC) just notify all airlines that the use of facemasks becomes optional in flights, this applies for staff members and passengers.“
In this it can be read that instructs among other aspects, the guidelines for the use of masks in open and closed spaces, emphasizing the search for the modification of habits that lead to the reduction of risks of contagion among the population, so it is suggested to keep the use of masks in enclosed spaces that are not ventilated or have little ventilation.
The use of masks has been a measure taken by the authorities for more than two years. It was made mandatory due to the Covid-19 pandemic to prevent the spread of the disease among airline travelers.
The AFAC says that considering that the ambulatories and last lounges in airport facilities are large and sufficiently ventilated spaces, while aircraft use a high-efficiency filtration system (HEPA) that eliminates 99.9% of particulate matter, bacteria, and viruses, this decision was taken.
A partir de hoy, el uso de cubrebocas será de manera opcional, de acuerdo con la última actualización notificada por la @AFAC_mx. Tanto pasajeros como tripulación tendrán la opción de prescindir de él. Te invitamos a seguir nuestras redes sociales para más detalles.
— Aeroméxico (@Aeromexico) October 12, 2022
The tweet reads: “As for today, the use of face masks will be optional, according to the last update given by AFAC Mx. Passengers and tribulation staff will have the option to not wear it. We invite you to keep up with us on social media for further details.”
“Until such time as the health authorities modify the sanitary protocols inherent to the use of masks, it is reported that for airport facilities and in the passenger cabins of aircraft, the use of masks will not be mandatory,” it states.
However, the use of the cover mask will be recommended for those passengers who present any symptoms related to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).