London to Cancun Flights return after 9 months

During the beginning of the pandemic, the European continent had to closed borders in most of the countries to prevent the spread of Coronavirus disease. This happened in March 2020, now some countries have to recover their economy. That is … Continued

Increase in Air Traffic at Cancun Airport

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Increase in Air Traffic at Cancun Airport – December 7th The Holidays Season has arrived in the Mexican Caribbean, Cancun International Airport reported in two days 370 flights, connections to 11 countries through more than 20 international airlines. Asur announced … Continued

Traveling around the Mexican Caribbean during a pandemic

If you are arriving at Cancun Airport, you might be on vacation time or maybe you are traveling to work. Whatever your plan trip is you are worried about Covid-19. In this post, we’ll tell you what it’s like Traveling around … Continued

Flights to Cancun in November and December

Flights to Cancun in November and December – During the pandemic lockdown, Cancun Airport was receiving only a few international flights. Now that Mexico is open to tourism, and the economic reactivation is getting better some airlines have decided to … Continued

Flights from Europe Returned to Cancun

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Flights from Europe Returned to Cancun – The Last Flight from Europe that arrived at Cancun Airport was in March 2020. After that, the pandemic came, and the sanitary emergency caused the closure of borders, and flights had to be canceled. Since … Continued
